Each patient is given a customized treatment plan utilizing one or more Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) modalities depending on the condition. Below are some of the services offered.
Acupuncture for Pain Management

By inserting hair-fine needles into affected tissue, Acupuncture acts as "controlled micro-trauma". It sends a signal that the first line of defense, our skin, has been breached, and that all biological processes need to hurry to the front lines. As a result, oxygen-rich blood, white blood cells, endorphins, and more are secreted to the area. This harnesses the most vital parts of our healing system to make positive change. To take healing to another level, electrical stimulation and muscle twitch response is used to relax tight and painful muscles. This makes Acupuncture a potent tool for pain management.
Gua Sha

Gua sha, also called "scraping" or "graston" is a manual therapy that uses friction to break up adhesions in muscle and surrounding tissue that cause pain. It is a great technique for quickly alleviating pain and increasing range of motion. This is a patient favorite.

Cupping is a Chinese medical therapy used for a variety of conditions, most popularly muscle pain. It creates suction force on the skin to free stagnant blood that accumulates in injured tissues. This technique siphons fresh oxygen-rich blood into muscles to resolve pain and heal injuries. Cupping gives the conspicuous purple circles on a patient’s skin that people often see on professional swimmers and other athletes. Many people find cupping to be an enjoyable manual therapy similar to receiving a massage.
Acupuncture Injection Therapy

A formulation of herbs in homeopathic solution is injected into injured tissue to treat muscle pain, swelling, inflammation, joint pain, muscle spasm, and adhesion. It is a natural analgesic (pain reliever) and can be an alternative to cortisone injections to modulate pain. This therapy is often used when inflammation causes treatment to hit a plateau. It breaks through roadblocks in treatment so healing can occur.
Vitamin B12 Injection

Methylcobalamin (B12) is administered in injection form as an alternate to taking this vitamin orally. Many people have difficulty absorbing B12 supplements and may choose to receive B12 injections instead.